
Writing to a Storage Queue Securely from ADF.

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  1. Retrieve SAS Key from Key Vault.

  2. Set a variable to hold that value (technically not needed, but makes things) clean

  3. Post to the Storage Queue

1. Retrieve SAS key from Key Vault.

Reference Document: Use Azure Key Vault secrets in pipeline activities - Azure Data Factory | Microsoft Docs

For a secret stored in key vault – each version will have a url, so be sure to grab the version specific url.

For this pipeline, I create a few parameters

Parameter Name Value Example
account storagename mmmxstoragexdev
queue queue name demoqueue
kvurl url for key vault secret sv=2020-02-10&ss=…..

Note the SAS Key - remove the ? when you store it in keyvault.

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We will make a Web request that is a get. For this to work with MSI authentication, be sure to provide access to your ADF Instance in your key vault instance.

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We will be sure to add the api version to the url - as shown below.

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The Web Request is a GET, the url


The Resource is:

After you get it going, you should set the Secure output for the key so it won’t show up in the logs

2. Set a variable to hold that value (technically not needed, but makes things clean

Be sure to grab the output value and place into a variable.

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3. Post to the Storage Queue

We will create an additional Web activity to put a message onto a queue through a POST api call

Reference Document:

Create a web activity - set the Url, Body is the queueMessage (this is a post)

For the URL

@concat('https://',  pipeline().parameters.account, '', pipeline().parameters.queue, '/messages?visibilitytimeout=30&timeout=30','&', variables('theKey'))

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